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Riddle :)

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Postby A.S » 10 Dec 2010 16:02

Another Lockon lovestory .....

Enjoying the cool 51st server, it was night, opponents were hard so we tried to work with Iraqi on 51st coms ....well then this happened :)

We tried to work on flanks, so once i had a shot to ElDiablo fired at 12nm, hardlock to check FF and the defense in mind breaking to the right as in picture shown...


Thinking that bandit might be very bussy defending that one and trying to "get out" there.....guess what that missile hit instead? :mrgreen:


Yes, 25-30degrees to the left, eta 7kfeet lower at 3.8nm range the missiles decided to break its lock to the bandit and take the friendly su-25 instead.

o_O one of those moments where you wonder if you getting old checking FF ... X-D
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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby X-man » 10 Dec 2010 16:07

Yes, that behavior is not gone in FC2, but much more rare then in FC1. We've all been there ;)

Jonas "X-man" Jarneborn, #34 of the 51st PVO Regiment
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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby Breakshot » 10 Dec 2010 16:11

EDIT: Bah X-man beat me to it!

yes, i have seen this behavior in FC2 just like in old FC1, it might not happen as frequently, but its still there!

All that BS about fixing actives missile's scan cone, yadi yadi that ED and beta testers were preaching goes out of the window... the actives still do their crazy off-angle 60-90 degree dives when they loose track or have been dropped from support prematurely by the launch platform... quite frankly it is ridiculous and should have been fixed! Im actually puzzled on what is causing it, and might not even be related to scan cones at all...

In fact, I have been killed this way already twice, and wasnt impressed when i saw the ACMIs... the guy never supported his missiles at all, just spam and run from 30 miles high... yet the 120s made a crazy dive almost vertically straight down while i was at the deck... go figure! So, with that said, i can easily see how this can also go the other way and result in a TK.

Conclusion: FC2 actives are just as fucked up as they were in FC1... the only difference now is that they have more energy and have a hell of alot more stopping power with the uber l33t TNT/Fuse parameters that have been applied... :thumbdown:

The only missile that was "FIXED" as advertised was the ET...

So best bet is to expect the same behavior as in FC1

Tim "Breakshot" Mytrofanov #24, 51st Bisons PVO Regiment
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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby A.S » 10 Dec 2010 16:49

I have a wild guess from things i remember from the past.

At a specific range (i think it might be around eta 8nm) or more or less when the missile enters the terminal stage the "look for other things in my still too big cone" behaviour drops, aswell the processing is transfered from client (shooter or guidance plattform) to host ( defending jet/pc) at this moment in order to ensure lag-free or connection independent missile dodging (at least according to Yodas infos i recall).
There are certain constant values (and variables) at which certain things work or not from my observation, not only for missiles but aswell for radars.
What enoys me sometimes is that the missiles go way to much and to early full lead intercept course right from the rails which makes it easy to pull the missile into the deck even from 10nm, wich leads consequently to a "hit the deck" fighting.
Truly every fight ends on the deck one or the other way, but in order to survive in 2.0 there are still only game-specific (and not BVR physics dependent) playing-patterns based on the coding environment only, which consequently are used to "win".
Even though -imo- 2.0 is the best BFM and BVR plattform since 1.0, there is still alot of work to do, but its hard to get heart in that respect.
1.12 was hardly defended in forums as being "correct modelled", now 2.0 is ....makes you wonder which one was or is ..same story again.....critics are to easily taken as offense, unheart of the devs but mostly ridiculed or trashed by a GG-hamer or similar. ...well im drifting off and tbh i dont even care anymore how low- or hifi they end up .....but anyways..i think that might be reasons for that behavior.

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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby Cali » 10 Dec 2010 19:28

Missiles aren't as screwed as they were in FC1. In FC1 you didn't even have to turn radar on and it could kill anything. I haven't looked at a lot of tacviews, but I bet that there are some crazy stuff still going on. But FC1 was horrible. Firing from 40k at 40nm and hitting a guy down low flanking. Also the scan zone was worse in FC1, it's not nearly as bad now. It sucks that things like this still happens, but it's a game and we play with people all over the world.

If people wouldn't fire from so far out, at max range and expect a kill it (the missile) might work better. I'm not talking about your shot AS, I have no idea how far you fired from or if you lost lock. I love the missile stats that Case added, it shows who just fires missile hoping to get a kill. If you fire 150 AIM-120 and only get 20 kills, then maybe you need to look at how you operate. This goes for other missiles as well. I understand that the SARH missiles are going to be worse. There is no need to fire beyond Rmax or even at Rmax most of the time, most likely the missile is gonna miss. Before you think it, I know that firing first puts you in a better position.

Also last night I was fired on many time and I knew the missile had no chance in hitting me. Cause I saw how far the bandit fired and moved according to what kind of aircraft fired at me, either 27 or 29.

I have had 120's miss targets that were up high and less then 10nm from me, now that baffles me. The missile burn time is about 7 second and at under 10nm it should be very good, especially when the target is above you by say 10k. It's no perfect and it will never be, even DCS when it comes out with fighters are gonna have problems. Sometimes you win some and sometimes you get smacked in the face.

As, do you have more screenshots showing your missile turning and hitting the 25T?
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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby Breakshot » 10 Dec 2010 20:20

Cali wrote:Firing from 40k at 40nm and hitting a guy down low flanking.

You do realize that this is far more rampant in FC2 than in FC1... In FC1 you needed alot more discipline and skill to make those long shots be of any use at all due to the poor 120 performance, not to mention the altitude management was far more difficult.

In FC2 it seems any nub can put 2 and 2 together, ending up in many F15s flying real high spamming 120s from ridiculous ranges due to their increased energy and lethality...

And on top of that its just too freaking easy to stay high with the power boost the 15 got in FC2... IMO its not realistic to be able to go to 60k feet with a full payload of 120s... Something went wrong somewhere or mabe its a Mig-25 in disguise? =p

Tim "Breakshot" Mytrofanov #24, 51st Bisons PVO Regiment
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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby A.S » 10 Dec 2010 20:45

Cali, i have the whole tacview, but the pics say enough.
Im not complaining about the sim tbh, just having a laugh of one more of those ridiculousnesses happening sometimes.
The comparsion from realistic behaviours of missiles in lockon, that topic i have problems even touching, because imo those things have not even the pyhsics of a free falling stone...just boxed, smashed in right corner pushed scriptings, so.....erm....ya.

What that generation F-15 can, and can not do is easy to find out.
All performance charts are unclassified (Max TAS/alt, max ROC/alt, ROC/constant by alt, EM-charts or Fan-plot, stall speed, airspeed conversion, density ratio, mimimum go-speed, time to climb, combat celing (various GW), Maximum Endurane (alt and bankangle)...bla bla level flight envelopes, dive recory, accelations charts....you name it ...
all that is available in 1F-15A -1 Manual and couple others...

I would love to share, but the stuff i have about the 15 is more then 500MB pure pdf ...so ..ermk :matrix:
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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby Breakshot » 10 Dec 2010 20:58

Yes but the question is simple, can an F15 climb to (not dynamic climb) and maintain 60k with at least 6-8 120s/7s etc?

Tim "Breakshot" Mytrofanov #24, 51st Bisons PVO Regiment
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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby A.S » 10 Dec 2010 21:07

Breakshot wrote:Yes but the question is simple, can an F15 climb to (not dynamic climb) and maintain 60k with at least 6-8 120s/7s etc?

Will have a look into that and post the page of that manual, gimme a couple hours (about to fly now again :)
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Re: Riddle :)

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Postby Cali » 11 Dec 2010 01:54

Breakshot wrote:Yes but the question is simple, can an F15 climb to (not dynamic climb) and maintain 60k with at least 6-8 120s/7s etc?

I have seen a real life tacview of F-15's fighting F-16's. It showed their speed, g's and a bunch more info. I can say from what I saw, I'm pretty sure it can do that.

Also I don't think it easier in FC2 to get a kill at 40nm and at 40k. My farthest kill so far has been 30-32nm in the eagle and 70km in the 27. In FC1 40nm and even 50nm+ kills were easy to get. Su-27's can stay up high also, they just don't have actives. When I killed that guy from 70km in the 27. We were both up high 40+ I fired on him and he broke lock by turning on his jammer. I relocked the jammer fired a second missile and the 1st one got him. He kept flying straight towards me, which was not very smart.
Last edited by Cali on 11 Dec 2010 02:03, edited 1 time in total.

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