We (me and Cobra, former SVK member) would like to applicate for Cadets of a 51st PVO. Heh

And just to be complete, I will fill all these things...
Callsign - campercz (call me just camper)
Name - Dominik Krejci
Age - 17 (yup I am still a kiddo

Flightsim experience - Flanker,LOMAC, FC2, BS1/2 A10C
About myself - Hm not much really, I love flying and planes and all about it. Also I play a electric guitar and have love for heavy music

Why you should accept me - Well, because I am good guy with time so I will be active, I am eager to learn new things...
As for Cobra.
Callsign - COBRA
Name - Jiri Valek
Age - 26
As for his flightsim experience, I don´t know much, but he is flying FC2 and DCS A-10C
And why you should accept him - Well he is pretty active, and he is pretty good in Su-27/Mig-29A/C, he is cool guy and he will be for sure benefit for your squadron.