Statistics of the 51st PVO Regiment Server

Official News and Press Releases from the North Caucasus PVO Command. Here you will find all of the latest developments for 51st "Bisons" Regiment.
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Lieutenant Colonel [Подполковник]
Lieutenant Colonel [Подполковник]
Posts: 4690
Joined: 15 Dec 2007 18:17
Name: Jonas
Surname: Jarneborn
Callsign: X-man
Squadron: 51 PVO
Location: Sweden

Statistics of the 51st PVO Regiment Server

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Postby X-man » 09 Feb 2015 08:55

The 51st PVO Regiment is proud to present statistics for our DCS World server

After the FC1.12 stats page and the FC2/BS stats page, this is the third installment of the 51st stats page, now for DCS World.

Points are awarded to pilots based on the events present in the multiplayer log. All events are attributed to flights, which start with a pilot entering the server and end when he or she exits. During a flight, a pilot can score points from air-to-air and air-to-ground points and double these points by safely returning to a friendly airbase. Bonus points are awarded for air-to-air kills on pilots of the 51st PVO Regiment (those wearing <51> tags) and for ejecting before crashing. Kills on friendly units will be penalized. A detailed account of the scoring system is given at

The stats pages are separated in an air-to-air page, an air-to-ground page, a page showing the overall pilot statistics, stats for each mission and a page grouping stats of pilots belonging to squadrons. The logs are parsed and uploaded to the stats page at the end of each mission.

For questions, comments or suggestions about the stats page, use this thread or the Server Support Desk of our forums.

Jonas "X-man" Jarneborn, #34 of the 51st PVO Regiment
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