Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby HiJack » 18 Feb 2015 10:19

Hi there. When I use my A-10A I always land after a round (if I’m alive) but in the stats it always says “exited”. Is that a script bug? I see the landing get recorded on my Su-25T flights. Something I am missing?

The stats pages that 51st have is so good! Why not start a global site and sell a plug-in to your stats for other server hosters? You could have a well going business right there :thumbup:

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Re: Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby Teknetinium » 18 Feb 2015 12:37

Thank you for reporting HiJack. As soon Case find time he will Look in to it.

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Re: Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby Case » 18 Feb 2015 13:44

Hi HiJack,

Thanks for reporting this. It turns out there is an annoying bug in DCS that does not report all landings correctly. I have seen this with the Su-27 only so far, so it is good to know it also happens for the A-10A.

Can you tell me which airbase you landed at, and also from which airbase you took off from? Also, do you recall if you got a server message that you landed?

If you have this information you could post it on this ED thread to hopefully entice ED to fix the bug:

As for selling the stats concept; unfortunately my stats method is far from a plugin, and it requires dilligent work from the server admins to make sure it all works.

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Re: Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby HiJack » 18 Feb 2015 16:49

Thank's Case

I believe most of the takeoff and landings are from Kobuleti and I cant remember seeing a confirmation on the landing. I will check next time :)
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Re: Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby HiJack » 18 Feb 2015 20:26

There is no "player has landed" message at Sochi either. Mission "Black Sea Redemption". There are a lot of snags in Missions between ED's updates, have you opened and saved all your missions in current version on a new mission name? By not doing that you never know what surprises you will have :winky:
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Re: Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby Case » 18 Feb 2015 20:49

HiJack wrote:There is no "player has landed" message at Sochi either. Mission "Black Sea Redemption". There are a lot of snags in Missions between ED's updates, have you opened and saved all your missions in current version on a new mission name? By not doing that you never know what surprises you will have :winky:

Which aircraft was this, and from which airbase did you take off?

You are right, for the MP missions on the 51st these may not have been saved in the same version as they are ran from. However, I did do offline tests in custom made missions that showed the same behaviour. At the moment my working hypothesis is that for some aircraft taking off and then landing on the same airbase will not give a landing message, but I have not tested this extensively.
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Re: Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby HiJack » 18 Feb 2015 22:14

I fly the A-10A for the blue side (sochi) and the Su-25T on the red side. The last round was with the A-10A (to:sochi, land: sochi). I will try landing at alternate airport and test if that works.
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Re: Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby HiJack » 19 Feb 2015 11:21

Yes, landing on the alternate airport works and is registered by the stats system (Ping). I tried it last night and =SCoRPioN= suddenly showed up in my view heading straight for me riding his Su-25, as I was tired I completely froze and got hit by to R60's but survived and crawled inside a SAM protected zone :D I dumped my load and saved the landing at Kutaisi. Try again =SCoRPioN= and I'll meet you with a spray from my gun you won't survive :mrgreen:


PS! Those R60's is only effective when you are on my six =SCoRPioN= :banana:
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Re: Stats says "exited" when in fact landed

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Postby HiJack » 03 Mar 2015 01:48

Is this fixed in 1.2.15? If not you should give A-10A pilots a note in the mission to land at alternate airport.

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