Happy V Day!!!

Official News and Press Releases from the North Caucasus PVO Command. Here you will find all of the latest developments for 51st "Bisons" Regiment.
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Captain [Капитан]
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Name: Sergej
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Happy V Day!!!

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Postby Teknetinium » 09 May 2015 18:21

Comrades and fellow pilots.

Let us take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge one of the most important dates in all history! Let us not forget those who sacrificed everything for this glorious day. There are fewer and fewer of the veterans left, but their accomplishments and valor are ever more immortal!

Happy 9th May - Victory Day!

Glory to the motherland, and glory to the PVO.


Andrej"Teknetinium" Reve, #11 of the 51st PVO Regiment.
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