Thx Case - these photos is very important for me cause were taken in Poland Kluczewo where our Russian friends 'live' with their Sukhoi's and other stuff...
BTW. We had about 6-7 Russian airfields to end of 1993. Except this 159 GvIAP we had 582 IAP in Chojna Airfield. This airfields are checked on this map:
- Airfields
Su-27 fighters was in Poland from 80's to 07.VII.1992 (5 days after X-man's 5 birthday

- Airborne
- Parking...
Their operational range was:

- Range of operations
- AirAction41_20_1.jpg (13.62 KiB) Viewed 19001 times
Look at this equipement! (R-73, R-27T, R-27R - it's not impressive in LO but in real life...)
- Equipment
Somewhere in the sky...
- Somewhere over my home ;-)
And my favourite home
- Shelter
Case wrote:Where are you finding these?
159th GvIAP
Have fun!