Unlocking ACMI's

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Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Case » 18 Jun 2009 12:23

To ensure Tacview is only used to check your flight AFTER you have flown it, ACMI files will have to be unlocked when the recording has finished. Unlocked ACMI's can be read with Tacview.

Download the freeacmi program in the attachment and use it to unlock locked ACMI files (*.txt.acmi.locked).
(4.8 KiB) Downloaded 1985 times

You can associated the freeacmi program with locked ACMI's by right clicking on a *.txt.acmi.locked file, click open with, choose program and then select the freeacmi executable.

"Für die Deutschen unter uns, welche des Englischen nicht mächtig sind folgende Erklärung. Tacview eport ist eingeschaltet. Um jedoch live Reports des aktuelles MP-games zu unterbinden ist die tacview verschlüsselt an den Klienten übertragen und kann erst nach Beendigung (Exit) des Fluges mithilfe dieses Programms entsperrt werden. Das dient als cheat Schutz und nichts anderen! Zum entsperren des acmi Datei die *.locked datei anklicken-->öfffnen mit-->dieses Programm hier auswählen...es wird eine normale tacview Datei erstellt."
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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Ice » 23 Jun 2009 10:11

I did want to inform you of the problem but did not want to explain in public how, at least until there was a fix. Now, as I cant seem to repeat the creation of the live tacview I'll explain what I did.

I copied the locked file whilst still in flight to my desktop and double-clicked it. A new tacview was created in my temp folder Immediately. I know I'm not going mad because I have 2 tacviews of the same flight. One from before I had exited flight (which is where it ends) and another apon comlpletion. I used the application for the first time yesterday and it was also the first time I had run it, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Anyway, Im pleased to see that for now at least it seems to do the job very well. Thanks Again Case and sorry for the false alarm.
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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Case » 23 Jun 2009 10:19

Thanks Ice. Glad to hear the program is working correctly.

So far people seem to be using it without complaint.
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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Gandalf » 21 Dec 2010 12:11


downloaded freeacmi and tacview. Now I can view the files in Lockon FC2 but I cant open them in tacview. Says files not supported.
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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Case » 21 Dec 2010 12:17

Hi eyusuf,

eyusuf wrote:downloaded freeacmi and tacview. Now I can view the files in Lockon FC2 but I cant open them in tacview. Says files not supported.

Our server does not support the recording of normal ACMI's or locked ACMI's. To obtain an ACMI you will have to replay a track with Tacview enabled. In FC2 and DCS:BS tracks are automatically saved in your temp folder.

Check these two threads for some batch scripts that I have created to replay tracks and enable and disable Tacview.
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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Gandalf » 21 Dec 2010 12:44

Thanks for the speedy reply

Im a bit of a newbie at this so please bear with me. When I replay the file in lockon FC2 I still only can view from the cockpit or from the F11 Free camera view. How do I unlock the other views?


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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Case » 21 Dec 2010 13:27

eyusuf wrote:When I replay the file in lockon FC2 I still only can view from the cockpit or from the F11 Free camera view. How do I unlock the other views?

The first link in the post above, to one click replay scripts will enable the external views (as well as labels) automatically.
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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Gandalf » 21 Dec 2010 13:54



and thanks
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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby 666_Lange » 12 Mar 2013 19:52

Hi guys... been a while since i passed here but i'm visiting your DCS FC3 server the last couple of days. I also recently installed the lastest TacView version (1.2.3) and i don't have to unlock anything after a flight.
In the few flights i've had, i wondered why a Su27 and a Su33 where able to find me so quickly after them taking off and me flying already very low covered by hills and mountains. Yestersday's flight i didn't record but the one today got me thinking again. The Su33 took off, a minute later i had his radar on the RWR and 2 minutes after that i was dead. No problem with that but after checking the acmi file (no need to unlock) i found that after he took off, he flew almost straight towards me, took the shot and left me behind dead. I just wonder...
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Re: Unlocking ACMI's

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Postby Breakshot » 13 Mar 2013 06:12

Hi there!

Yes, you are right, the scripts were enabled on server for testing purposes.

I will adjust it back to locked state soon!


Tim "Breakshot" Mytrofanov #24, 51st Bisons PVO Regiment

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