Welcome to our Motherland

We are a group of dedicated virtual pilots that fly combat missions online. Our role is to promote virtual aviation and hardcore online competition. Most members have known each other for many years and have been flying the Su-27 since Flanker 2.0 days. We have a great deal of fun playing our roles and enjoy very close, friendly relations. We hope you will enjoy your stay.
51st "Bisons" PVO Regiment

We operate in the world of Digital Combat Simulator by Eagle Dynamics. Our squadron is a fictional representation of the former Soviet Union regiment: 51st Regiment of ProtivoVozdushnoy Oborony (PVO) - 51st Regiment of Air Defense, operating out of Krymsk on Su-27 and MiG-29 aircraft.
51st Dedicated Servers
Our dedicated game and voice servers are online 24/7 and are open to the public:
51st DCS US Server: 51st.hopto.org:10308
TS3 Server: 51st.hopto.org:9987
Donate to the 51st
Enjoy your flying experience with us? Donate and help us continue our mission. Your contribution will go directly into maintaining our servers and in-turn help the simulation community prosper. Thank you for your generosity! See you in the virtual skies!